


* In November 1988, a born entertainer was birthed in to existence; they are still extremely obscure & unknown.

* Scorpio Dragon; find me also on Insta: @thewildwillbill & @retrotechgurl.

* Former main accounts: dinosaurorgy & alienamiss; cannot get in to them -- am using this,a very old art account while I wait for 'signup' process to be solved by the site owner.

As it was
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2019   3:45 AM

Well.. here I am,
Back again...

This time, with hashbrowns frying behind me, awaiting my alarm to flip them.

I hope not to get too distracted.

My poor compy runs out of an operating system in January, just as it began to have use to me once more. On the upside? In the mail, a new phone is being sent. Admittedly.. I didn't really *need* a new one.. they gave me such a good deal that it seemed worth a try. It's not like my current phone has lots of room left...

Well'p.. that entire paragraph was a completely ADD description of events.

I feel like nothing is working for me.. I feel like typing, specifically my dumb thoughts. I tried revamping another blog, but it wasn't the same.

Maybe nothing can be as it was, even if you do go back?


(c) MX. WHALEART, 2019