


* In November 1988, a born entertainer was birthed in to existence; they are still extremely obscure & unknown.

* Scorpio Dragon; find me also on Insta: @thewildwillbill & @retrotechgurl.

* Former main accounts: dinosaurorgy & alienamiss; cannot get in to them -- am using this,a very old art account while I wait for 'signup' process to be solved by the site owner.

Limping into the future
Saturday, Dec. 28, 2019   6:21 AM

Yes yes I really am still here. I'm not entirely sure why but apparently I have like a 9 entry feeling about me today..?

Apparently I'm in criticize and suggestion mode?

alrighty if I'm going to start talking about what I do and I don't like about certain things I'm going to start here in the base of one of the things I've loved the most since I was in high school; Diaryland.

What bugs me about diary land honestly is the lack of progress here. I get the sense that the site host is way too busy to maintain and they have to hire some kind of outside help. I really wanted to see 2019 be the year of DL and be up and working!

I really wish I was a coder cuz I'm not. I wish I could just sling some money in this direction and some skills. the only thing I have on my side is a robot programmer but I don't think he does old style HTML or something anymore.

One of the charms of DL is coming back to the HTML not going to lie. one of my biggest favorite things is being able to come back here and relearn the the the thing I liked back in school about doing this period. I like being able to shape the way these looked with a secret language behind the image that people would see.

my original two accounts the more I think about it, probably should remain either locked away from me by the $19 fee.. or possibly open when I have some actual therapy in my life. as far as I remember my teenage life was pretty stressful and those accounts were abandoned sometime after the boyfriend I left or he left her whichever you want to look at it as approximately 2009ish or 2010...

I'm not entirely sure because I'm having a little bit of a hard time navigating the current system of DL what's exactly working here what's not. Some of these things have not worked for months or years. There is the diary members chat I think that's been dead for over a decade. There's also there's also a glitch that you're not able to change your email... I really would like to change my email because I have long since abandoned the one attached to my main ones and this one..

I think this would make an excellent app if you could somehow formulate it. I think the only thing it needs is not have a competition board. Journalling is not a contest it's personal exploration through thinking on mediums. I have looked through hell's half-acre looking for some kind of Android styled or whatever at that would replace what I feel for this site. All I really want is to carry this site into the future. I can understand for some people maybe this is somewhere that you know it got Put down and limped away.


(c) MX. WHALEART, 2019