


* In November 1988, a born entertainer was birthed in to existence; they are still extremely obscure & unknown.

* Scorpio Dragon; find me also on Insta: @thewildwillbill & @retrotechgurl.

* Former main accounts: dinosaurorgy & alienamiss; cannot get in to them -- am using this,a very old art account while I wait for 'signup' process to be solved by the site owner.

Save, damnit
Thursday, Feb. 07, 2019   9:36 PM

"Twilight Zone" -- Golden Earring
"Lunatic Fringe" -- Red Rider
"Cooler than Me" -- Mike Posner
"I Can Feel It Coming" -- The Weeknd/Daft Punk
"Sunday, Bloody Sunday" -- U2

Well; someone mentioned coming back lately to D-land, and said they wanted paid membership -- I'd also like to do it. Just.. I'm very poor; I live in Canadian poverty, which is likely a sneeze to any other places' poverty.. but, it's poorness, nonetheless.

I'm getting bits of help from my Indian YT coach -- he has an accentjust like how hammy Russell Peters does it in his act, and it's endearing. I found out the scale we got me is in KG -- bad luck.. but it tells me.. my temperature (weird??) in C instead of F degrees. Apparently my fat ass grew another 10lbs heavier, according to my calculations. 165lbs; last was 155 in like December? I blame the amount of drugs upped in my shrink's cocktail for me. So; THIS is the heaviest I've EVER been - sz 17-18 pants (36"-38"). Fuck, that sucks.

We've been discussing (my YT coach and I) about me being in a monogrammed red housecoat, before I lose the weight. Me, with a tobacco pipe in hand. My best friend saw this image, back in 2013-14 -- only in her version, I was an Old Bill, and sitting in a wooden study with a fireplace, and an antique chair. Talk about my personal fantasy~!


I wish I could jump to that scene, as a photoshoot. It makes me think of Hugh Hefner a little... But that doesn't quite jive. I wouldn't have Bunnies in my images. Just.. the housecoat and tobacco pipe seems VERY Hugh-y.

I look IRL as a mated cross between James Spader + Jodie Foster; I feel I look more like Spader, and sound more like Foster. I used to watch Spader's movies and see them like alternate universes I could have lived in. I can be sleazy, the good guy, the bad guy.. the victim of misfortune.. I see in his work a lot of myself. (Except Ultron -- what kinda evil robot quotes the Bible?? I KNOW he could have been scarier.)

This entry is also taking a long time to fill out -- my thoughts are more with YT, my coach, and FB Messenger.

I finally learned the name for the hat I love the most -- a Duckbill Gatsby Cap; we call them simply: "Golfer Hats" here. Since getting the 'net at home, I've had a lot more liberty to look up the proper names for men's fashions. I have a Newsboy Beret Cap, too, but I associate the one I have with Yoko Ono's type, and use it in girldress.

I used to call Polo Shirts "Golfer Shirts", also. Golfing dudes wear them a lot. They look incredibly douchebaggy on me; I like to say "Bill is an asshole" sometimes in introslots on webpages, dressed in loudly striped purple, green, and brown Polos. Bill is green; Kristica is definitely the blue/fall colors one.

My YT coach has pointed out that I'm both stunning as a woman (long haired, anyway) and verry close to convincing in drag as a man. He feels very strongly I need facial hair -- he keeps pushing for makeup. I associate makeup mustache work with the clownier drag kings. It never looks real enough, and usually looks a little.. theatrical? Hair pieces are my goal; I want to handknot my own pieces. Plus, I'm timid about getting rashes and zits from my existing stash of outdated makeups. I can't afford to replace the lot of it yet. He's a man of some money, and seems to not be able to grasp how poor I am in comparison.

I'd post comparison pics, but I have a YT video re: this, as is. (Check it, if you wanna see my 'evolution'; it lasks most of my youth, but that's only because no digital pics exist of that period...)

I'm gathering pics for the upcoming shop I will have to do on behalf of the Bill getups. Polo shirts, brown khaki pants. Manlier tank tops.. etc. So far, this is like window shopping online.

Anyway.. this is taking forever again; hitting "save".


(c) MX. WHALEART, 2019